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day after: 6 - the expression of the light

Posted by
filipe franco (Lagoa, Azores, Portugal) on 3 July 2007 in Abstract & Conceptual and Portfolio.

the expression of the light

Panasonic DMC-FZ50 10/13 second F/5.6 ISO 100 35 mm (35mm equiv.)

ColNed Pictures from Amersfoort, Netherlands

Again a very nice point of view and composition, great work

3 Jul 2007 12:57pm

@ColNed Pictures: Thank you. That means a lot ColNed!

Alfredo J. Martiz J. from Tokyo, Japan

Nice shot, the lighting is great!

3 Jul 2007 3:34pm

@Alfredo J. Martiz J.: Many thanks, Alfredo!

yiannis krikis from thessaloniki, Greece

this image is excellent - great b&w - I like all the series of this day after images

3 Jul 2007 4:37pm

@yiannis krikis: Thank you yiannis! Appreciate your comments.

Remus from Portugal

Mais uma vez, um belo enquadramento e ângulo.

5 Jul 2007 7:41pm

Panasonic DMC-FZ50
10/13 second
ISO 100
35 mm (35mm equiv.)